Took the Micro to Belgium this week. After a rather rainy Tuesday, Wednesday morning promised better things, with the sun making a feeble effort to come out. Despite all the rain, the roads weren't too bad, except for the bits near the kerb, and of course the cycle "lanes". Cycled down from the hotel to the office, nominally 6 and a bit kilometres, but the GPS kept trying to send me back onto the (busy) main road. Several attempts at keeping away from traffic resulted in an extra three kilometres added to the trip. The last kilometer, a long drag of 1km on a steadily rising cycle track along a very busy road was particularly difficult; the track was strewn with debris, lots of mud and at the top some guys were in the process of cutting back trees, blocking the path.
Arrived at work with a damp patch on back of shirt. Must rethink dress code..
Arrived at work with a damp patch on back of shirt. Must rethink dress code..
The evening was equally nice, even a rare sunset. Cycled back to the hotel; first three km, know the way well enough by now. Wind in the back, roads drying out quite nicely. Last three km a nightmare. GPS directed me on to a narrow, single-lane mudbath with several cars crossed en-route. Poor bike suffered. Spent half an hour and half a roll of bog paper in the hotel cleaning it up. Didn't use it Thursday apart from the very last leg from my station to my house (3km, uphill into a southerly gale).
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